Basic Biomechanics of Agility

Speed, agility and quickness are three very distinct aspects of sports performance. Therefore it is important to utilize a periodizaiton model which considers the aspects of development of each discipline - speed, agility, and quickness -as there is little transfer between these skills.  

However, on the basis of strength alone, increasing base strength and power development in athletes first and foremost can increase the ability for the athlete to produce ground force reactions (GFR), and rate of both force development (RFD) and force acceptance (RFA). In turn, the development of these neuromuscular attributes can improve aspects of straight line speed, agility, and quickness (Kirby, Erickson, & Mcbride, 2010). As the athlete progresses from base strength to power development in the periodization model, it is important to begin modeling aspects of sport specific movements for each discipline (speed, agility and quickness). 

Roller derby requires a high degree of expertise in each discipline (speed, agility, and quickness). Planned variation should systematically align the focus of the training in a progressive manner that builds on familiar training goals - such as strength and power development- to achieve the more specific and distinct goals of speed, agility and quickness (Gamble, 2006).  

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